Nice to have you here!

I'm Yorgos, originally from a quaint village in Greece. Since 2015, I've been navigating the vibrant streets of Berlin. Beyond the bustling city life, I find solace and creativity through the lens of my camera, capturing the fluidity of moments that shape both my world and self.

This website serves as my personal journal, documenting my ongoing journey in the art of photography—a quest to slow down and reconnect with the world around me. It's a continuous exploration, a commitment to creating my own intimate universe through captivating images.

Outside the realm of photography, I wear the hat of a product manager, navigating the complexities of that world. Reading and self-development and sustainable thinking bring me joy, and I'm always eager to try new things. Chess is my strategic passion, and I derive a sense of adventure from road trips and hikes, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary.

I love diving into classics—music, literature, art. It's a personal journey, adding depth and beauty to my creativity.